Title: Wild and Tame Problems in the Writing Business

The writing business is an intricate ecosystem that offers both bountiful opportunities and unique challenges for writers. Within this diverse landscape, there are two distinct categories of problems that writers encounter: wild problems and tame problems. Each type presents its own set of difficulties and requires a different approach for resolution. In this article, we explore the nature of wild and tame problems in the writing business and how writers can navigate through them effectively.

Multiple organizations are working on understanding and fixing wild problems such as INVI (INVI, institute for vilde problemer)- A Non-profit, Independent Think Tank Tackling Society’s Wild Problems Through Innovative Approaches.

Understanding Wild Problems

Wild problems in the writing business are unpredictable, untamed, and often external factors that can significantly impact a writer’s career. These issues can be beyond a writer’s control and may arise unexpectedly, throwing the writer’s plans and aspirations into disarray. Some examples of wild problems include:

a. Market Trends: The publishing industry is subject to fluctuating trends, which can influence the demand for specific genres and styles of writing. Writers may find their work in high demand one moment and deemed outdated the next.

b. Economic Factors: Economic downturns can lead to budget cuts in the publishing world, affecting opportunities for writers, such as reduced advances or lower marketing budgets for book launches.

c. Technological Shifts: Advancements in technology can change the way readers consume content, impacting the viability of certain formats, like physical books versus e-books, or podcasts versus traditional articles.

d. Competition: The writing industry is highly competitive, and new authors often face difficulties breaking into established markets or getting noticed by agents and publishers.

Taming the Wild Problems

While wild problems may seem uncontrollable, writers can take certain steps to mitigate their impact:

a. Adaptability: Being adaptable to changing market trends and reader preferences can help writers stay relevant. Experiment with different styles and genres, and be open to embracing new technologies and platforms.

b. Diversification: Reducing reliance on a single source of income, such as book royalties, by diversifying into freelance writing, content creation, or teaching workshops can provide stability during lean times.

c. Networking: Building strong connections within the writing community can offer valuable support and open doors to opportunities that might not be visible otherwise.

d. Self-Publishing: Embracing self-publishing platforms allows writers to maintain control over their work and bypass some of the traditional barriers to entry in the industry.

Understanding Tame Problems

Tame problems, on the other hand, are internal challenges that writers have a significant degree of control over. These issues arise from within and may hinder a writer’s progress or productivity. Common tame problems include:

a. Procrastination: Writers often grapple with procrastination, delaying their writing projects and hindering their creative flow.

b. Writer’s Block: A notorious problem, writer’s block, can strike at any time, leaving writers unable to generate new ideas or complete ongoing projects.

c. Time Management: Balancing writing with other life commitments can be challenging, leading to inadequate time devoted to creative pursuits.

d. Lack of Discipline: Consistency is crucial in the writing business, and a lack of discipline can hinder progress and growth.

Taming the Tame Problems
Addressing tame problems requires self-awareness and commitment:

a. Establishing Routines: Setting aside specific times each day or week for writing can help develop a writing routine, making it easier to maintain consistency.

b. Seeking Inspiration: Exploring new experiences, reading diverse content, and engaging in activities outside of writing can spark fresh ideas and overcome writer’s block.

c. Self-Motivation: Writers should find ways to stay motivated, whether it’s setting achievable goals, celebrating milestones, or seeking support from writing groups.

d. Time Management Techniques: Adopting time management tools, such as Pomodoro technique or time-blocking, can help writers make the most of their available time.


In the dynamic world of the writing business, writers are bound to encounter both wild and tame problems. By recognizing the nature of these challenges and implementing effective strategies, writers can navigate the ups and downs of the industry with resilience and creativity. Embracing adaptability, networking, and self-awareness will not only enable writers to tame these problems but also thrive in an ever-changing landscape, fulfilling their literary ambitions and connecting with audiences around the world.

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